About us

Nexus means connection

The Latin word Nexus means ‘to make a connection’. And that is exactly what we do at Nexus Hospitality. We offer solutions that are the connection between high-tech solutions and the implementation of high-quality hospitality services.
years of experience
Thanks to our solutions, hoteliers can find and connect the right products and services, all in one environment.
Whether you are interested in the latest TV technology, want to improve your Wi-Fi networks, start monitoring your energy consumption, are interested in home automation, and want to turn your hotel into a SMART-HOTEL, Nexus Hospitality offers a fully tailored solution where you can pick and choose the most profitable elements and select only those products and services that you really need.
With over 15 years of experience in the hospitality sector, we advise and unburden hoteliers in all kinds of areas. Every hotel is different, so our services are fully customised and your needs are always at the centre of our tailored offer.
What obstacles do you encounter? What are your current, most pressing needs? What do you think would help you grow? Together we will find the best solutions for your business and connect you to verified, reputable suppliers.
Peter Fooij
Netherlands / Belgium
+31 (0) 6 13 16 75 19
'Our goal is to guide you in this complicated world of technology to enable you to take the right decisions that are essential for your hotel' 
Stephanie Voormolen - van Doorn
Managing Director
Netherlands / Belgium
+31 (0) 6 11 177430
'Nexus means connection, and that is exactly what we do! Connecting the best of both worlds; hospitality and technology.'
Julia Siagian Nurfaatihah
Sales Manager
phone: +352 (0) 661183403
whatsapp: +49 (0) 1731703925
'Excelling in every step of your guests and customer journey' 
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